Tuesday, March 4, 2008

QTP Interview Questions

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1. Can I change D Active Screen page which is shown on every new test?
This page can B changed 2 B any valid HTML page. D page can B located either locally or on D network.
For example, if U want your entire organization 2 view D same Active Screen page when they open QTP, U should open D NewTest.inf file located under D dat\snapshots directory of QTP and set D next line:FileName1=FileName1=\\mercury\public\MainPage.html

2. How 2 create an action template?
You can create a template action script tat will B used on every new action tat is created. U can use this, 4 example, 2 add a header comments 2 each action.
To create D template action U should create a text file with D name ActionTemplate.mst and place it under QTP dat folder.

3. How 2 pass parameters when calling actions?
You can pass information between actions in several ways:
1. Using D new Action Parameters feature in Quick Test 8.0
2. Putting D variable in D data table and then accessing this data table 4m D called action.
3. Defining D variable as an environment variable tat can B accessed 4m D entire test.

4. How 2 configure D report 2 show only error (by default)?
You can configure D report 2 show only error by default by adding D following section 2 D QTReport.ini file (located under QTP bin directory).[FilterDialog]ReportAppDefaultFilter=1 # 4 error onlyReportAppDefaultFilter=3 # shows all messages (default)

5. How 2 use Environment variable?
QuickTest supports using environment variables. Environment variables can B either system variables or user defined variables.
You can define D user defined variables in an external file which will B read by QuickTest when it will B launched.
See D Using Environment Variables section in D QuickTest Professional help.

6. Does QuickTest have any debugging capabilities?
In order 2 debug tests U must install D Microsoft Script Debugger. If U did not download and installed it while installing QuickTest, D debugger can B still downloaded 4m D Microsoft Script Technologies site. After downloading it, double-click on D self-extracting executable and follow D instructions on your screen.
Once D Script Debugger is installed, an arrow points 2 D current step tat is being executed in D Tree View and D Expert View. U can then use D debugger 2 view local action variables, use D command window, view D objects properties, and more.
More information can B found in D QuickTest User's Guide.

7. What command-line arguments can I use when launching QuickTest?
Please refer 2 D QuickTest Command Line utility 4 more information on how 2 run QuickTest using a command line.

8. I have a Microsoft Access database tat contains data I would like 2 use in my test. How do I do this?
The powerful 'Expert View' allows U 2 access databases using ADO and ODBC. Below is a sample test tat uses D information contained in D Authors table of a database 2 search 4 books written by D author.Dim MyDB
Dim MyEng
Set MyEng = CreateObject("DAO.DBEngine.35")
Dim Td
Dim rs
' Specify D database 2 use
Set MyDB = MyEng.OpenDatabase("BIBLIO.MDB")
' Read and use D name of D first 10 authors
Set Td = MyDB.TableDefs("Authors")
Set rs = Td.OpenRecordset
For i = 1 2 10
Browser("Book Club").Page("Search Books").WebEdit("Author Name").Set rs("Author")
Browser("Book Club").Page("Search Books").WebButton("Search").Click

9. How do I add a manual wait step 2 my test?
A manual wait (think time) can B added 2 a QuickTest test using D following command:Call Wait(

4.3 When testing should occur?

Testing can and should occur throughout the phases of a project.

Requirements Phase
· Determine the test strategy.
· Determine adequacy of requirements.
· Generate functional test conditions.

Design Phase
· Determine consistency of design with requirements.
· Determine adequacy of design.
· Generate structural and functional test conditions.

Program (Build) Phase
· Determine consistency with design.
· Determine adequacy of implementation.
· Generate structural and functional test conditions for programs/units.

Test Phase
· Determine adequacy of the test plan.
· Test application system.

Installation Phase
· Place tested system into production.

Maintenance Phase
· Modify and retest.

10.0 Defect Tracking Process

The Defect Tracking process should answer the following questions:
When is the defect found?

2. Who raised the defect?
3. Is the defect reported properly?
4. Is the defect assigned to the appropriate developer?
5. When was the defect fixed?
6. Is the defect re-tested?
7. Is the defect closed?

The defect tracking process has to be handled carefully and managed efficiently.

The following figure illustrates the defect tracking process:
The Tester/Developer finds the Bug.
Reports the Defect in the Defect Tracking Tool. Status “Open”

The concerned Developer is informed
The Developer fixes the Defect
The Developer changes the Status to “Resolved”
The Tester Re-Tests and changes Status to “Closed”
If the Defect re-occurs, the status changes to “Re-Open”
Defect Classification

This section defines a defect Severity Scale framework for determining defect criticality and the associated defect Priority Levels to be assigned to errors found software.

The defects can be classified as follows:

There is s functionality block. The application is not able to proceed any further.
The application is not working as desired. There are variations in the functionality.
There is no failure reported due to the defect, but certainly needs to be rectified.
Defects in the User Interface or Navigation.
Feature which can be added for betterment.

Priority Level of the Defect

The priority level describes the time for resolution of the defect. The priority level would be classified as follows:

Resolve the defect with immediate effect.
At the Earliest
Resolve the defect at the earliest, on priority at the second level.
Resolve the defect.
Could be resolved at the later stages.